Only a Mad

TB would go out looking for a blip in a raging thunderstorm, and end up bringing flowers indoors to blip :)

I got soaked!

Thank you to all my blip friends, you know who you are :)

When I had my 4th Year Blip Birthday, back in May I talked about cutting back.  I couldn't do it, its just such a wonderful and addictive place to be.  
I can only apologise for the lack of commenting in the last few weeks and months.  I am just so busy these days, and with an impending application and interview to happen sometime in the next couple of weeks, even busier.  I can't guarantee I will blip every day, but I seem to manage it somehow!

In other news:  Can't quite believe the news tonight, horrendous :(  Thoughts and prayers with the family  of Jo Cox MP murdered today; especially her two young children...

Glad to be home and in the warm.  Should be going to a meeting at church tonight, but as I had no sleep after 3am last night, I think I'm staying in.  I'd probably be asleep by the time it starts at 8pm if I go to it!

Friday tomorrow (and I am taking over from my Manager as he is off on holiday, so it will be a busy one) :)

Happy Thursday folks :)

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