Another One Bites The Dust

My Dear Fellow,

I can report that Er Indoors is much improved today. One long sleep later and regular ice-creams seems to have done a world of good. She now has 2 weeks off - I'm just here to the end of the week. After that, it is up to the little guys to take care of her.

It is ironic that, after weeks of inactivity I actually MISSED the big important all-day meeting at work yesterday. Damn. (Please say that as sarcastically as you can).

Anyway, from yesterday's trip to Livvy, here's BHS having a big blow-out sale before it disappears forever.

I can't say I shopped there a lot. Only for cheap knickers and Xmas decorations. I suppose it's not a surprise they went under, considering that range.

Also they had that HUGE cafe at the back leading on to Rose Street. It was another huge space that must have cost a fortune to rent but was nearly always empty. If I wanted peace & quiet, I would sometimes pop in there to read, back when I worked along George Street. I wonder what it was like working there? Handing out one bowl of soup every now and then to the occasional grumpy pensioner.

So I'm not massively sorry to see the back of it. I just hope it gets replaced by something good, or at least entertaining. There is nothing fun at all about Carphone Warehouse or those stupid e-cigarette shops. So I'm crossing my fingers for a giant Scribbler, or a cat cafe or one of those giant vibrator emporiums* like you get in Germany.

Or how about "Cheap Knickers & Xmas Lighting R Us"? Now there's an idea.

El Parsones

* To be clear, the STORE should be giant. Not the - well, never you mind.

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