
After delivering Mrs madwill to the Upton quilt group for their workshop today, I caught the bus from the zoo Park & Ride into the city centre.

Tried to pay some cash in to the bank, but it was closed as the ceiling had collapsed during the deluge yesterday! No other branches nearby, so I was advised to take it ot RBS (same group as Nat West) as they would be accepting certain deposits today. Big relief as I didn't want to be out with all that cash in my bag!

Did the obligatory circular walk of the city walls..which is actually closed at one point for repairs.

This is a shot of the castle from the wall, I quite like the three 'bands' of colour.

Retired to Starbucks (Other coffee shops are available) to make use of the wifi to post this and catch up on a few journals. Had to download shot from camera to ipad via camera wifi function..processd in lightroom mobile so I can sync the changes to my computer when I get home.

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