Plus ça change...

By SooB


The good thing about Mr B's postponed meeting is that it meant he would be here on his birthday.  And the weather obligingly gave him a warm but not too hot day so he could spend the whole time outside with a book and a beer.  And, for the first time since we've been here, a hedgehog wandered by. I haven't seen one in real life since I was a kid and we would find them snuggled up in the bonfire, but this one was huge.  Anyway, he seemed unperturbed by our presence.

Lunch time was the time for the enrolment process.  Everyone had terrified me about this: how the slightest error would mean your file was refused.  But in the end it was very straightforward: the school secretary took the main documents, the nurse took the medical and emergency forms and the accountant the bank details (still confused about why they need that since we pay by cheque for the dinners, but whatever).

Lunch was a fabulous cheese that required to be poured onto bread, a fine baguette, a glass of icy cold rosé and a beautiful tomato for Mr B.  All taken on a sunny terrace with lots of chat and no need to rush.

Later, cake-baking, dinner making, then a tetanus jab for CarbBoy (who is a bit under the weather, but the doctor said it was fine for him to have it anyway), riding for TallGirl, a big fight for me and TallGirl about why her school results include several 0/20, and a calm chatty dinner (risotto, etc).  

Still later, Mr B voted the cake I made this afternoon the best he had ever tasted, TallGirl had a big last minute panic about some homework she'd forgotten about (I think we may have a clue about the 0/20), and we stayed up too late watching nonsense.

EDIT: Totally forgot the other exciting news from the day: my postal vote arrived!  So I filled it in, giddy with excitement, and rushed straight off to post it back.  One more vote in the bag for the right choice...

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