
I attended today the first session for a cohort of people about becoming a digital champion.

The future of public services is inextricably linked to digital technology. The course is intende to help us understand what as leaders and digital champions we need to do.

It is not about Information Technology, although that is a vehicle to make progress. It is much more about understanding what users need and how people respond and engage and we had some interesting examples of developments in recent years, from Uber to benefits payments.

In due course I will be reflecting further on how the Children Hearings system might be improved through greater use of digital technology to improve outcomes for vulnerable children and young people.

Today was the starter overview of where public services are.

The weather today reminded us of our recent holiday in France: cool and very wet.

At least this morning as I left the house the weather was drier although the overnight mizzle had decorated the lupins by the gate. As I looked at the photo tonight (along with the others I took today) I did think about how photography has been transformed through the use of digital developments.

When I was growing up you could get a slide film with 36 slides: but you had to send the film off by post and with luck you got the results back in 2 weeks. Now, instantly, you can review the capture and study the detail of each raindrop.

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