My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

Log Shed

Carlops - day 5

Lots of photo opportunities in my Grandparents' garden - such as their log shed!

We went for a walk through an old estate in the afternoon and came across a small graveyard. The largest gravestone was for the one-and-a-half year old Thomas Dunmore Brown who died in 1808, and on the back was a lovely and touching poem:

Alas! young tenant of the Tomb.
In vain to thee shall Spring return:
Though all her sweets around thee bloom
They cannot cheer thy clay-cold urn.

Where now's the blush that on thy cheek
Vied with the rose's vermeil dye?
The tongue how mute! that prattled sweet:
How dark the brightly beaming eye!

Deep is thy slumber Lovely Shade!
No plaint of woe can reach thy ear:
In earth's cold bosom newly laid,
Thou canst not see soft pity's tear.

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