Straight Shot

My Tuesday morning walking buddy is still out of town so I went directly from home to St Johns Coffee for Tuesday morning knitting instead of the longer, pleasant round-about route through Pier Park. A bit of rain, sidestepping some construction on the next block, and soon I was there.
Did you read or listen to Ken Burns' speech to Stanford grads? Here's the catchy part, although he had so much to say, was so good, you really should read/listen to the whole speech:
"I feel genuine sorrow for the understandably scared and – they feel – powerless people who have flocked to his campaign in the mistaken belief that – as often happens on TV – a wand can be waved and every complicated problem can be solved with the simplest of solutions. They can’t. It is a political Ponzi scheme. And asking this man to assume the highest office in the land would be like asking a newly minted car driver to fly a 747."

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