Ohhh the indignity...
Having one's Aunt blow bubbles she lobbed one'e head in the first place off again... when I am bigger I shall teach her a lesson,or in fact I shall pee on the decking and she will walk through it,and that readers is pretty much what happened about 5 minutes after this picture was taken. :D wily small boys.
Lovely day,all camping stuff washed and put away until the next adventure (which is booked... you shall see in August,about three times to be exact) ..
Smashing day,I woke early and decided to beat the Global Gathering* thousands and get the shopping done as we were away I did not do my usual on line delivery ..... now it is a well known fact I DESPISE TESCO ... but needs must... and OH MY GOD it was heaving,due to an influx of aroung 50,000... YES FIFTY THOUSAND... youngsters at this festival... it causes chaos and gridlock,I HATE IT.. this tiny town does not have the infrastructure... it drives me mad.... but what drives me madder is the way LOADS of these kids (not all I do know this) piss all over the streets,so far my local pals on facebook have all seen at least 3 or 4 louts urinating all over the town and peoples gardens .. it is disgusting.Drug dealers openly selling at car parks.... it is just horrendous.... So the upshot of this is I was stuck in the fuckinghellholedump supermarket at 8.30 am with tons of urinating and STINKING young males,and they were mostly males in stupid hats all carrying boxes of lager and generally being wankers.. no wonder we tar young men with the same brush........
Now now afor any of you get your knickers in a twist I KNOW this is just a portion of humans and there are some decent young people out there... THEY WERE JUST NOT IN EVIDENCE TODAY !!!! <<<< shouted with fury.
Anyway... DDLC and Alice popped in this afternoon and we all romped in the garden :D
Now just watching the Olympic ceremony and I LOVE IT.... it is quirky and quite odd and that is good !!! :D well,for me it is ;)
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