Presentation Done
Oh the last couple of days have been stressful just thinking about the presentation to Trustees. I've changed the slides so many times, and re written sheets of figures just in case I got asked awkward questions! I was invited for 'drinks' beforehand and discovered I was the only woman. Are all our trustees men? I will have to look that up tomorrow because we certainly had a Dame Someone on the board earlier in the year!
As predicted they were late, but all in all it went well, at least that's what three of the senior managers said. I don't really remember much about it. I answered the questions and was only a bit flummoxed when they asked what my next big challenge was! To be honest I mumbled something about the new curriculum still needing work, but all I want to do is not have a big challenge for a while!
Anyway, over and done with now and only about 5 weeks until the end of term.
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