Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

the Studio

I did threaten to blip the studio.  This is to record how it is after a week of “cleaning” ..a little bit at a time.   the windows and the floor are all washed and the 4x8 work table has new clean plastic.   My “desk “ is fairly clear.   Room for the computer .. Lots of time spent here with photos and 4 inexpensive incomplete online courses. The rest?   Well there is so much STUFF here.   You can’t tell what I have put away (under the table or in my flat files at the other end. ) I thought I could get rid of some things (that means take them out of here in a boat..)  but when I started to look at all the different kinds of paints ( house paint, urethane a, spray, acrylic, oil, watercolor, gauche) brushes, pencils, pastels, markers, big variety of papers , sketchbooks, 4 very boxes of postcards arranged by country pretty much, boxes and boxes of ceramic and tile pieces ( friends have given me their broken stuff) , bags of cement, sand, grout, glues, joint compound, tools, boxes of materials such as pipe cleaners, clay, straws, beads, , strings, ribbons, little wooden pieces, foam stamps, stencils, gelli pads and papers, boxes of driftwood pieces, rocks, stones, shells, feathers, bones and far too many plastic containers that could be recycled, ( they at recycled once here for palettes and shapes, works of art and models by many, books, paper mache, bags of corks from 25 years, found objects, birdseed, and many little empty boxes, Etc Etc Etc. it was too daunting.   :-). So I decided we should just use more stuff, now that I’ve just looked at what’s here.    A start with 2 small boxes are in the extras…inspired by Joseph Cornell and also  Hannelore Baron that Mike introduced me to.... One is called “The bluebird of happiness” which I got to wondering from where that phrase came….. apparently its an old symbol from very old cultures, particularly chinese.   The song was written in 1934 for the opera singer —Jan Peerce.. I just put this in as it truly was not familiar to me -altho the style of singing could have been on a record in our house when growing up  -he recorded it in 1945.  Oh My.     

Had a good walk almost around the island this morning -- beautiful wildflowers all over...but spent the afternoon in the studio away from the wind which has been blowing all day and makes me anxious.

sorry this is too long.... You can see I have trouble organizing and throwing stuff away :-)

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