'Wot' no BBMF!

Yesterday a Spitfire and Hurricane from the BBMF popped into Gloucestershire (Staverton) Airport and stayed overnight due to the very heavy rain that lashed Gloucester late afternoon.
They were supposed to be leaving again this morning around 1000 so I got there around 0935 but they were nowhere in sight. I managed to get onto 'The Aviator' WiFi while I stood at the fence and picked up the message that due to the continuing rain they were going to postpone until tomorrow. I think it is wise, they are so old, not to mention valuable and iconic, you don't want to subject them to any unnecessary wet or risk.

This aircraft (Edit Note - It's a Diamond DA62 I've been very reliably informed) landed while I was there and I'd often seen it taking off over our area of Gloucester and I always thought it had very nice lines.
In the background you can see a Javelin, couple of Meteors, HS Trident and Avro Vulcan forward fuselage sections (Cockpits) at the Jet Age Museum.

Extra is Shhhh, you know who! Taken from the entrance of the approach road to the airport.

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