My contribution for the mono monday challenge, thanks to RedFlash for hosting.
A rather busy day. The weather in the morning not too bad, so I worked outside, clearing the drive, and after that I read a bit.
After lunch it started rain again, but we were determined to go for a walk, even if this would bring us only in town and the Weserpromenade, as I wanted to find a scene that would make me smile. The ducks have made me smile and laugh so many times, I had the idea that they would not led me down today.
At the harbour, on the Island, we saw the swan walking near her nest.
There were three eggs in it. She collected some grass, but it seemed as if she would make another nest, a bit further away. Eventually we reached the nest with the eggs again and sat down.
There had been five eggs, a man who knew the situation there very well.
This swan family has been unlucky for several years, it has been many years ago that they had living off spring.
Also on the Island there was a duck family with five, already larger babies, and in the water swam a mother with two, very little ones.

My haiku:

Shall I, or shall I
Not and she did not fly down
Only curious

And the proverb:

Curiosity is ill manners in another's home.

1622  C.Oudin, Grammar in spanish and English, 271.

My haiku:

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