Life as it happens:)

By Bushbaby76

Old me...

Believe it or not this pic is about a yr old, but to me it may as well be 50 yrs ago, I feel ol, I look old... I am old!!!
Yep that just about sums today up really, week one of the holidays and I'm shattered, 4 kids 3 of which are under 4 and a half 1 of which isn't even 4 weeks!!! Yep I'm tired yep I'm looking more like a dishevelled old woman every day!!! I pity my husband coming home to me at the moment!
Enough of my moaning maybe a weekend of family time ( hubby not working all hrs) will cure me??
Maybe I'll find time to pamper myself a bit??
Let's hope so, I need to feel like a woman!

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