Two years on

A couple of years ago, on Blip, I had a moan about the attitude of the sales staff at David Austen Roses. I'd moaned that they were all geared up to those people who knew what they were doing in the garden, and for novices who wanted a bit of advice, they were a waste of time.

I haven't been back.

But perhaps the best incentive to return is the beauty of that rose I chose on my visit.  This year, it's really rather special.

Football ?  I'm depressed and disgusted at the English fans. I know everyone is saying that it's the Russians and the French police who are to blame. Who are they kidding !  And the chants were rude and announcing they were Brexit supporters.  I would imagine that the EU would be glad to see the back of us after this violence and sheer unpleasantness....

I love football.  I'm really looking forward to seeing Zlatan later today. I'm going to be rooting for the former Forest team of Keane and O'Neill.  But part of me wishes that our English  "ambassadors" could beat a diplomatic retreat as soon as possible. It's because I'm proud to be English and I hate having our reputation trashed in this way.

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