So let's set the world on fire...

Whilst himself and I headed home from FyneFest, the Boy and Tooli were ripping up Life in other parts of the world.

Boy was at the North End of Carolina Beach playing on a Speed Boat - no idea why. Probably taking the George Michael thing a bit far and making a video of Club tropicana.

Tooli was sunning herself on her balcony in Nice.... After a day out in Monte Carlo. I think she fancies herself as a bit of an Audrey Hepburn..

Now am not sure, but i thought Inter railing involved sweaty journeys and smelly hostels.... NIce? Balconies? MIlan? Geneva and Zurich? Don't look like much roughing it there!

Not entirely sure why things are the way they are; but the kids are enjoying themselves; loving life, not hating on we can't complain; only wish we were able to do it all Again ourselves

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