Bits of Life Thru A Lens

By KimD


Operation get-a-camera-in-the-hardrock went so smoothly it was like taking candy from a baby!!!

Unfortunately most of my shots still weren't that great - probably should have upped the ISO a notch so I could use a faster shutter but I tried to keep the ISO low so I could crop without too much grain. Oh well ... you live and learn and I really only need one anyway! :)

Show was soooooooo great!!! He did about 50% Bon Jovi tunes and 50% cover songs including Pretty Woman (my fav!!) and Shout. The most popular one with the crowd seemed to be Bad Medicine, which surprised me a bit. Maybe because he did Livin' On A Prayer in a slower acoustic version. I've always been a sucker for the acoustic myself.

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