This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today we hung around the house, sang a song and then later there was a farewell dinner for Stewart with our friends Melissa and Linda for pizza at Dammgoode pies. I don't think anyone wanted the night to end so we walked down to Dickson Street and had dessert and chatted some more. We raided a free bin that was on the sidewalk on the way. I scored some great boots, an orange floral apron, a skirt, and a big plastic container that might finally hold all my homemade detergent. It was fun to be walking around town and spending such a good time together. We then sat on a park bench around the square talking about life, art, and wondering what the rich are doing with their money since many of us artists are truly poor but when we look on the bright side we feel so rich. What in the hell do people need so much money for? Why can't we all just have enough to be comfortable?

Of course there was more Dr. Who watched as well.

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