
Baby Coot (or Chick or ??) :)  Answers on a postcard blip please?

I am sure these are the same family as these, as they were in the same place to begin with and then I found they were on the shore as I came back from my walk.  Sadly there are only two babies now...

Thank you all so much for all the comments, hearts and stars on my sleepy cygnets yesterday, we're on the bottom of the second page of Popular ;)

Lazy old day after another horrible night of sleep, too hot again...  Anyway I went to church where we sang This Little Light of Mine :)  I've not heard that song for a very long time...  it certainly brought back memories of my teen years when it was on a record I had!   (this is not the sort of version I was expecting, but there are not many copies on YouTube)...

This afternoon I was intending to get on with a few things whilst also watching the Queen's Birthday celebrations, but I fell asleep on the sofa which really wasn't clever  and my back is sore, then dozed on and off all afternoon.

Eventually, early evening I roused myself and decided I needed some fresh air so I headed to the lake.  I got there just as a really heavy shower finished, and there was quite a few soaked people leaving.  Luckily for me it remained dry, but damp and the reflections in  the water were beautiful!  I saw the Egyptian Goose first and that would have been my blip if it wasn't for finding the coots and goslings on the way back :)

More in flickr...

I came home to the horrendous news about the shootings in Florida :(  Thoughts and prayers for all   Xxx

I made Poached Chicken and Mango salad for dinner which was really yummy (have some left for lunch tomorrow too) and now watching Vera (thought it maybe a repeat, its a lot better than some recent Sunday nights viewing) ;)

Happy Sunday folks :)

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