
Wanted a pic of munchie munching but she wouldn't play the game!

Day started at 3:30, munchie unsettled, daddy went to her? Fell asleep in her bed, she came to mr, Wom joined in. Daddy left me in bed for a while as he took the children downstairs. Wise move

Daddy shot
I referred
They seemed to be going out of their way to wind each other up which wasn't great
Wom refused sleep

Got won to sleep just after lunch / phone rang - Wom awake and hysterical! Wom back to sleep. Munchie then crashed too

Woke them both up
Had to wait whilst the cleaned the pool - bit grim!

Went and fed the ducks / ate icecreams and played in the park.

Munchie demolished a whole burger and one and half lamb kebabs as well as a load of salad and other bits. They both demolished frozen yogurt for pudding

Everyone bathed and clean
I need to do all the work I didn't get done this norning

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