Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ

Just my boy

I wish Daisy would let me get close enough to her with a camera to take a picture like this, Will is, on the whole, oblivious so I can do what I like with him.

Dropped Daisy off at Guide camp this afternoon, she is gone for 3 nights and I miss her already. I hope she has a lovely time, she gets all upset with missing us, although when she is actually here, we all drive her mad! Came home all hot and bothered so sat for a nice long time in the garden bathing my feet in the paddling pool.

I am quite looking forward to the Olympics starting tonight, I just have to block out Jay's sarcasm and boredom with the whole event

People who know me in real life - please note how brave I am being with Will's hair - there are proper curls there and I have resisted the urge so far to cut them all off!

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