Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Le Temple sur Lot

We spent the whole day at this remarkable water lily garden. The nursery was founded in 1875 by Joseph Bory Latour-Marliac for the propagation, cultivation and commercialization of hardy water lilies. Prior to setting up his nursery, Latour-Marliac had found a way to hybridize hardy water lilies.

Previously there was only a white hardy water lily in Europe. He crossed the white variety with wild varieties he obtained from North America and elsewhere, and able to build a collection of water lilies whose palette ranged from delicate yellow to fuscia and deep red.

He exhibited his water lilies at World Fair 1899 where they were seen by Monet, who immediately started to design his garden at Giverny The rest, as they say, is history!

This is a beautiful place to visit and to photograph. The image above is the first I edited today. Nice in large

Tonight we eat in Tonniens, high above the river, and tomorrow I move back to my lovely B & B in Bordeaux.

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