
I've never suffered from allergies, and I wouldn't say I was 'suffering' now but I am becoming aware that something is making my eyes itch and my nose run. The grasses, extra tall because of the increased rain this year, are now going to seed  and the hills have gone from green to golden. I'm always fascinated by the different strategies the grasses and native plants have developed to disseminate themselves, assure their survival for next year, and make both man and beast miserable into the bargain. The burrs stick tenaciously to anything that brushes past, and the foxtails pierce the skin and travel, into ears, noses and flesh propelled by one way barbs along their length. Some seeds float through the air on the slightest breeze while others wait until the perfect moment to drop to the ground where they are eaten and disseminated by birds.

It is difficult to know quite how the stands of thistles develop but I was quite taken by the whimsical look of the flowers gracing their prickly heads. I have put a picture of the' flower, which appears in early spring and will ultimately turn into these thistles. I assume the tiny white flowers will turn into seeds and next year's crop.

NOTE: Miffy pointed out that she thought these were teasels, not thistles…and of course she is right.

There is an outdoor equipment festival at Spring Lake…kayaks and paddle boards, mostly, and a parade of classic cars downtown this afternoon. Very retro and probably worthy of a blip or two, but I think I will stay home with the air conditioning on.

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