Out and About
I have been trying to make the most of having my son home for the week. Has been quite busy but great fun. Most interesting sight to see was a raccoon (the mama), digging for turtle eggs. She found quite a fruitful deposit of them so was quite happy with all that protein!
Further down, we spotted this common Snapping Turtle...perhaps the mother who laid the eggs. Tis the season for the turtles to be laying eggs and there are spots with pylons alongside roads to try to protect the eggs as much as possible.
Once again, I am reminded about how 'give and take' nature is. I was so thrilled to see the mother raccoon get some much needed nutrients but sad to see the turtle having all its well laid eggs eaten. I am guessing that the raccoon would not stop at a few but would likely eat them all.
Such is the natural way in the wild...without human interference. See extras for raccoon with one egg...and son holding the snapping turtle.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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