This was (very nearly) blocking the road this morning.
Something in the suspension had gone 'twang'.
They could have been more considerate and have it happen at the Give Way line rather that 3' back ........... it would have made it so much easier for everyone to get round it!

Todays 'extra' is of the moth eaten leaves (happened overnight) - or should that be caterpillar eaten.
There was no sign of the culprits.

So glad it is the weekend - this has been a very fraught and harassing week.

Even helping one of the usual suspects do the photographs of the prom outfits (and there were some stunners) at the local High School was fraught and annoying ......... fuses, wrongly set cameras and the incredible rudeness of some of today's youth (I hope the 'other pictures being taken' by their mothers on mobile phones in horrible mixed source artificial light pleases them).

Still no word back from Blip Central about resetting e-mail addresses/passwords ........ that is a week and since they don't reply at weekends I guess I am stuck having to jump between computers and not being able to use my phone.

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