de-tox blip

Hallellulah; have tamed the beast. Think I have had the whole blipfoto saga in just three days. Day 1 -look around for something: day2 spend hours of precious time ricocheting round half of Scotland looking for something to impress Rhubarrb (who ,meanwhile, casually wanders out her back door and produces magic photos of willow warblers in jig-time!) : day 3 get up,go outside,take photo of anything (99p clematis from Aldi!) go back inside and post it off to blipfoto. Whole thing took less than 5 mins! ; can I go home now please and spend the rest of this lovely summers day (at last!) free of the tyranry of BLIP. Am I cured, or does it have a sting in the tail, and like Groundhog Day will it all happen again tomorrow?

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