...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

poor Emma's nose is a bit torn up after she fell on a tree at grandpa Gregs house, but she's a trooper and doesn't seem to mind.
Back to our normal routine today...already missing Nebraska.
Because of the trip I didn't get to do my normal glamour shots for the girls 18 month birthday. Luckily I got a lot of great shots anyways.
Here is some fun things about Emma right now:
- she loves to read still...either by herself or with someone
- loves to dance and can really shake her little booty
- can count to four-ish (sometimes more!)
- says three word sentences (i.e. "Wait for Mimi!")
- her favorite word is 'no' (stubborn little angel)
- has a perfectly beautiful mullet ;)
- she's starting to love cuddling
- the other day we were playing 'phones' and when I asked who was calling her she said, "it's sissy!"
- favorite food is still mac n cheese (and milk)
- knows the classic animal sounds, but her favorite is, "what does a dinosaur say?!" And she roars
- loves to sing and act out 'wheels on the bus' and 'itsy bitsy spider'
We love you miss Emma Charley!

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