
By 1314PRW

So this is what has become of me. Hiding behind strengthened glass windows, laying in wait to photograph wee dogs shitting. Urban David Attenburgh, or poo vigilante.

Actually, I got lucky with this one - if lucky's the word- the dog came scuttling out after I had locked the door, started sniffing around its patch. The owner claims it's not just her dog that shits out there, but here's some proof that it certainly contributes to it.

When I left to go to work an hour later, the kids were out playing again and the shit was still there.

It's not just the shit that's the nuisance, either. We came home last night about 10pm and could hear it barking several blocks away. The barking - loud, incessant - continued until well past 11pm.

I've had enough.

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