Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Day 9

Well, I know I'm posting this a but late but i still want to be up to date. I hope John reads these when he gets back.

This is what I did yesterday, took pictures at N1 golf for a friend. Never have I realised how hilarious it is to watch golfers, the way they stick their bum out and twist right around when hitting it. Honestly, I have never seen the appeal, it's a bit of an easy sport, doesn't use up to much energy.

John hasn't texted me today and when I try to ring his phone it says 'we are unnable to connect'. Either, his phone is out of batter (most likely) or he's ran out of credit. Either of which sucks bum.

I had a bit on an emotional breakdown when I was going to bed, I found an old recording of his voice that I have recorded for a ringtone. I had forgotten his voice since he went away.

It's getting to a point that I'm starting to forget. I'm forgetting what he smells like because the t-shirt pillow has now lost its sent and smells like a sleepy, drooling me. I've forgotten how it feels to run the back of my hand on his stubley face. But I haven't forgotten how excited I am to see him again. To run up to him and squeeze and inhale all the love back into me before it has a chance to escape again.

Not long now, just a week.

Happy Blipping.

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