Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Make do and mend

Today has been mainly spent repairing the chairs from the garden room. 

We had to take the covers off a few weeks ago, to wash them, and discovered that quite a number of the white straps (which are nothing more nor less than the tape used to fasten around parcels) were broken.

Today I replaced 18 of them with webbing - at the cost of rather a lot of holes in my fingers.  There are still about 28 that potentially could be replaced, but enough is enough. 

I then put the chairs back together, and when I sat on one of them, I felt yet another of the strips break.  Needless to say, I did not immediately take it apart and replace it.

W's business partner was here this morning, and when I explained what I was doing, he said he would just buy new chairs.  We were tempted.  These particular chairs were quite cheap (from The Range).  But whose to say that the new chairs would be any more substantial?

It is satisfying to see the chairs back in the garden room - though unfortunately, the red wine stain has not washed out of the cover - but at least the stains are "clean" ones.

This evening, my daughter sent me the latest picture of Robin - I've added as an extra.  We're off to see them next week - can't wait!

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