My Best Efforts - Year 3


TheLincolnshire Landscape............

....................... is very flat! but driving down this lane, I saw what I think is a rather nice colour combination (which I probably would not have noticed had it not been so flat).
Lining the roadside was a beautiful mass of Poppies, plus grasses, nettles etc., behind that a field of Potatoes in flower, such a pretty lilac, ( I think Maris Piper has flowers this colour) then a field of Sugar Beet and finally a field of Barley.
When I first moved here from the Yorkshire Dales, it took me quite a time to accept the flatness of the Countryside but it does grow on you - we get wonderful sunsets and cloud effects.
Spot the Churches in the far distance, I think I counted five.

Everything and everyone has their own merits.

Please look on large

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