Just a couple of men...
I seem to have acquired a new camera. I was slightly early for bellringing yesterday evening so had a quite wander through town and for some reason looked into the camera shop window and spotted a secondhand Panasonic with a 14-45 mm lens. Just the lens I was considering. So I popped into the shop this morning and bought it. The camera itself is an older version than mine but strangely I like it much better. I've never really got on with my GX7 but this GF1 seems OK. I think my dislike of the GX7 may be because they are going towards touch screen controls but not everything is touch screen and I found I was forever having to look up the manual. The GF1 is menu driven and so easy to find everything.
So we'll see how it goes using the GF1 for a while but in time I may just stick one f my least used lenses on it and sell it and use the new lens on my GX7.
Meanwhile I better find my knitting and get packed...
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