Last Day On Lewis....Hello Skye

Packed fed and watered we took off to the Post office I needed to post a special thing for Flynn…it was the most fabulous experience…a bit like going back in time…….the long haired man behind the counter flustered at the fact that he had a customer  flipping through his book of stamps…trying to work out which ones I needed for all the way to Australia.
The Stones were full of people so we decided to give it a miss and head up for Callanish Standing Stones II AND III.
Even though obviously connected they all felt so different and it wasn’t until a tour guide came up with a bunch of folk…(that I quietly or not so quietly bombed the tour for a little while)  it was nice to  find out a little more about the stones themselves …there was the Phallus…..(of course there was …there is always one of those) and then there was The Maiden…The Mother and The Crone…(I am hoping to post pics of these all being well with the wifi)…all sorts of really interesting things……which got me to thinking that I will need to find a book with a lot more information about them than the booklet from the Scottish Hysterical society.

We had packed a thermos of tea so it was back tot he car for a cuppa and a shortbread then off to Uig…the home of the famous chessmen….(if more info is needed head over to Sleepyheads journal…he will be more informative….but he hasn’t posted yet either). One cannot help but fall in love with these little guys……I had to buy  little statues of the King and Queen for my Mum and Dad……they reminded me of them….…the King looking grumpy sitting in his chair and the Queen looking fed up………hahahahaha I laughed. Jeez! I am going to be in a whole world of trouble if they get to read this…maybe they might forget by the time I get home. 
We drove around some exquisite country looking for the large carvings of a couple of them…which we found……the berserker is a special favorited of mine…I love the teeth…however some plonker had parked his car right in front of it so it was a bit of a squeeze to get any decent pics….I might have to work some magic on it when I get home….cheat a little.

Talking of cheating…on our drive around the country side we have discussions about photography……about imagery …..about what we want to portray in our pics…what is important aspects of an image. We both have very different asthetics and angles of what we find pleasing in an image…I have to say I am learning to love mono and I am finding P's take on our day so different but yet so elegant in their composition and tones….I am learning. All that being said my main aim is to create images that touches on dreamy or fantasy….mostly……and sometimes I do things what some may call cheating….I call it creative.

As I write this we are on the Ferry (yes another ferry) for the next leg of our journey……….The Isle of Skye is the next port of call…we are nearly there. This is another place I have always dreamt of seeing and never thought I would……..In fact I named my lovely daughter Jaiya Skye…..after the Island itself.

Happy Days…even though a bit tired…..still.

The Pics
Callanish III

Highland Coos loving the stones or guarding them

Leaving Lewis

The King  (large carving influenced by the Lewis Chess set)

Portree .....Skye

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