Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

R is for.....

Royal Infirmary - Manchester style.

The Royal Infirmary was moved from Piccadilly to it's present site in 1908.
Patients were transfered to the new building on 1st December 1908 to be precise.
There were five horse ambulances and Salford's new motor ambulance in use together with horse drawn carriages and taxis and the Infirmary's own omnibus. The journey took half an hour from bed to bed.

When King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra formally opened the building on 6th July 1909 King Edward was so impressed with the new facilities that he knighted hospital Chairman William Cobbett on the spot!

During World War II the Infirmary continued to treat patients, often during bomb raids. It suffered two direct hits and many blasts which caused a lot of damage to the hospital.

This is part of the original Oxford Road building,
The hospital is now part of Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Doctor, Doctor I keep getting pains in the eye when I drink coffee
Have you tried taking the spoon out?

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