Effing Buttercups

My Dear Fellow,

So. The title of this blip. Basically, it was just while I was composing it in my head at work, I was thinking of rubbish cultural references. "Build Me Up Buttercup" for example. I was getting annoyed and I just thought "****ing buttercups!" 

The incongruity of those two words struck me as so hilarious I snorted out loud and had to pretend it was a cough.

I am going a bit loopy at work. 

It is sort of due to the fact I have nothing much to do and sit pretty much alone. Not that loneliness bothers me as such - just that I think when you only have your own thoughts for company you get into a weird feedback-loop of consciousness in your own head. And while I am terrific company for myself and frequently hilarious, I'm not always sure that it is entirely healthy.

Hence I have started thinking about going elsewhere after this contract. I'm also feeling a bit guilty for doing not a great deal other than farting about with spreadsheets. I think it's useful, but no-one has asked me to do it, because no-one has really asked me to do anything.

On the other hand, I look at my colleagues. They SEEM busy, but I'm not seeing tangible results of anything. Perhaps they are sitting like me, swearing at flowers and giggling to themselves.

Effing buttercups.

El P.

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