Balfron is growing!

The bulldozers have moved into a huge field on the outskirts of the village and started excavating in preparation for the construction of 30+ new houses.

As always there are folk for and against the plan. "Where are they all going to park?" "How will the school cope with all the extra pupils?" "If there was no need, they wouldn't build more houses." etc etc.

As a relative newcomer to the village, I remain impartial, plus the fact that I shouldn't think I'll be grossly affected. (Famous last words?!) However, as I returned from my walk, I did ponder - at what point does a village become a town?

Answers on a postcard, please.

Now awaiting friend Gill's arrival in time for an evening meal, then there'll be much chinwagging, so I may not get round to journals tonight.

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