
By Velofor

Me today.

This pick is from last week as I have no camera today.

Velofor needs to get things off his chest again so if you choose to read no further that is fine by me.

Was supposed to get mended by a hospital but after an hours sleep to get there for 7a.m I saw the registrar and I have met few other liars like him. He failed to address any of the couple of questions I asked so I took some time out then told them I was going home as there was no point in having an operation that failed to mend things. After calling a cab and whilst on my mobile I noticed two staff racing after me. They wanted me to go back to see the consultant surgeon. He even came on one of their mobiles to ask me to go back in and that he would operate on me later in the day. I want to know what operation I had last year and what is being done this year but that is seemingly difficult.  I have come home and have got messages on my ansaphone and my mobile but what is the point when  doctors cannot be honest or apparently tell the difference between bowel and bladder.

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