SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Amazing Progress

Today was just one of those days that just felt right. That felt do progressive with my business, in myself and just a really fantastic day. Also the 30 degree heat helped!

Today's blip is of my summery bag and glasses - love the colouring.

I met with the college course planner for photography today where we met for a coffee and a chat for the first time. She teaches during the day at college and I use her room in the evening for adult students. Today was the first day we met to talk about the possibility of teaching A Levels in September. After a fantastic chat, she's offered me the role! I am so elated and really feel that it's another meant to be!! So many reasons why, won't list on here, but just, so so great. Naturally I'm nervous, but totally open to new challenges.

Met a new friend after the meeting for lunch. Someone I've known of for years, but never crossed paths. A few events recently have ended up in chatting, and we arranged today. It was so great chatting and finding out more about each other. There is nothing better than meeting new friends.

Bumped into a few people in town as well which was fab!

Then met an ex photog lecturer from college at his new studio premises at his home near Henley. It was terrific to meet him and experience his set up, exchange ideas, and spend some relaxing time together. He has offered to work together teaching privately from time to time, which wasn't expected, but stills fantastic opportunity and meeting new people.

Steve and I went for a coffee and a walk around the park to fill each other in on our days.

I really am so fortunate to have such supportive friends and family around. Very blessed.

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