my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm


Today was my last day in the library for a bit. I worked non stop to get everything sorted before my leave but still ended up saying goodbye with the words "Don't worry about that..I'll do it from home and email it to you" <sigh>

Home was exciting...I got J her first phone. A rather lovely HTC so she can txt her friend over the summer hols. She was so chuffed, we set it up and she downloaded games and she texted her pal and arranged to meet up. Makes me smile for her.

Obviously I couldn't treat J without getting Eve some pressies. When her face dropped as J opened her phone I whispered "You've got something too" and gave her a bag of goodies... both girls have been playing with their new toys all night.

I had given up on the bats...we only moved a few feet to our new home and it was
April last year when they first appeared.

I've been looking out for them since Easter but tonight was the first time I've seen them again.

I shouted the girls - We were all giddy! THE BAT'S ARE BACK!

So we stood in the dark, on a warm slightly drizzly evening and watched our two Mossley bats fly right above our heads. It was just magical.

Doesn't matter WHERE you watch the's who you are watching them with...

MY batgirls :)

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