Temple Tours

By wakakajennie

from Arthur Seat - where we decided that it was great to make everything miniature just by moving farther away from it as opposed to actually making it small (or something)

I think that this picture was taken this morning at around 8am....

....but perhaps I am wrong.

According to my guide (a certain RW), we were, at this precise moment, in prehistoric Scotland and those moving things in the far distance are in fact man-sized millepedes (vegetarian) and a handful of scorpions (not that vegetarian)

Shortly after this picture was taken we happened to come across prehistoric Texas where we got chased by Al...(???? sorry - I shall fill this bit in tomorrow when Prof RW has woken) an early relative of T-Rex. And then after much clever evasion we came back to 2012 where it was almost 9am and time for breakfast.

Tomorrow we are going to the Jurassic period where I hope to see my favourite ever Diplodocus (pronounce as you will) and then we shall swim with other humans.


A sweet morning.

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