
By conventgirl

A flower for hope

Playing with the camera settings again!

We had an incident at work today. As it was hot we had the back door to the shop open (I work in a charity shop) and suddenly there was a strong aroma of cannabis. We looked out the back and there was a man sitting in his car - about 10 ft away from us - puffing away, completely oblivious to us. It crossed my mind to call the local community police as he was breaking the law by just being in the car but then he fell asleep. About 10 mins later a woman got in the car and started puffing away as well, We sent one of our volunteers out to (secretly) get a note of his registration number as now was the time to call the police. She noticed that there was also a baby and a toddler in the back seat. He drove off before the police arrived.
Now I was feeling sick with anger and fear at the thought that anyone would drive in that condition with 2 children in the car. He was putting not only the lives of his children at risk but also the lives of everyone else on the road. Sadly I do not know if they caught up with him and I do regret not calling the police when I first thought about it.
I have always been very anti drug but occassionally have been persuaded that my views may be a little harsh. What harm is a little puff of dope? they say. Well, today my views have been reinforced as I can imagine all the harm this man could do to innocent people.
I am still ANGRY!

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