
I woke up this morning feeling quite shattered. Daughter Number 1 and I were due to work together today but one of the children we were due to have were cancelled which meant it only required one of us to work. DN1 very kindly chose to work instead of me, bless her! She can't manage more that one day of house arrest before she goes stir crazy! Thankfully she's feeling much better after yesterdays hospital visit so I gave in!

It wasnt until Mr W said he would pop to Sainsburys to get my tablets this afternoon that I realised what the problem was. I have been without my Thyroxine for 4 days! (someone forgot to remind me to order more!!) so hopefully I shall be back on track tomorrow.

So for my afternoon off, Mr W took me into town and bought me cake. It was quite late in the day so relatively quiet which was perfect. Im breaking my body gently into a weekend of cake as we off to Pasty Land for a few days on Friday.


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