"Men At Work" Reunion Rumoured!

Either that Aussie band are getting back together or these buskers were taking a no nonsense approach to health and safety in the work place. Mind you, judging by the look the passer-by was giving them, they may have had things thrown at them in the past!

Actually, they were performing a very impressive series of jazzy blues numbers and could well have been real workmen, moonlighting in their lunch hour - there was a builder's van parked just out of shot to their left and both they and the van had gone when we came out of the coffee shop in Ashburton High Street 30 minutes later.

Did they come from a land down under?


We were on our way to a less impromptu outdoor gig at Plymouth where Rod Stewart was performing at Plymouth Argyle's football stadium (I resisted the temptation to wear my Yeovil shirt).

We were down in time for a stroll on The Hoe and a meal in a waterside pub.

Rod put on his normal high energy, entertaining show. The technicians seemed to have difficultly with the sound balance in the first half and Rod seemed to be having a few problems with the words (reckon he's entitled at 72!) but they both got their act together after the interval and I don't think the audience cared about any problems: they were all too busy singing along!

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