Lush weather again so I cycled to the precinct with dad to get a few things. We got some bargain prawns and some dairy free ice cream. I also bought a still-package-brand-new yahtzee from the charity shop. Score.

The rest of the day I got more and more annoyed with computers in general. I scanned in my photos (backblipped) and some old work I found... that took forever. It scanned them in a weird format so I had to try and change that, half of them didn't work... blah blah blah. It went on. And it was hot and I had to be inside.

BBqed prawns and thai green curry for dinner. My first decent dairy free ice-cream which I SO appreciated. Guitar jam with dad, some intense croquet games in the garden which I got thoroughly thrashed then bulk lemon cheesecake making wih mum for the Relay meal.

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