Moisture Fungi ...

On tiny Tuesday the challenge is to picture small things like macro and close-up. Thanks to WWombat who's so kind hosting the challenge. She gave us the theme "season/weather". She wrote in her announcement of tiny Tuesday #54 [...] I'm looking forward to seeing your entries coming in from all over the world.  It seems that Climate Change has reared its ugly head in many parts of the planet lately [...]

We learned from the weather reports in the last weeks that, living in the Lowlands near the sea, we must take into account more and more frequently storms, rain and thunder than we were previously accustomed to.

And it often rained and stormed during the last weeks. The firebreak behind the houses where I live has repeatedly been flooded. But in between the sun was shining and there were days with mostly summer temperatures.

So in the firebreak, along the wall side of the barns, (moisture) fungi grew between joints and seams in the stone. This morning I found the fungi beautifully lit up by sunlight filtered through the foliage. It was an extra challenge to depict that delicate lit scene ... ;-)

As often, best seen in large.

Thank you for visiting my journal and your supporting comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's mono Monday "Reflections". Highly appreciated!

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