
Another day of wall to wall sun.  I did a bit of work at home and #2 son came to get the wood, that was to be here for a couple of days, over 2 months ago.  

Then by bus to the West, where it was definitely balmier.  George Square had a very continental feel to it but is nit as pretty as Princes St Gardens.  It was also very noisy.  There was some kind of protest demo going on outside the City Chambers with banging and whistles.  It was a relief to be inside Jamie's Italian for a catch up lunch with L. 

Caught up with qite a bit of business and then back through the Square and up the hill to get the bus back East.  It was cloudy in Glasgow when I left but still beautiful at home.  I had a slight problems on the bus because of last week's loss.  I will have to get it sorted. 

The departure of the wood meant I could get into that part of the terrace so watered, moved earth and planted the last of the bedding plants.  it was sad to through out the viola, they have done so well, but summer is here now. 

Then caught with the Manor, Y and finished the shortlisting. 

A good day.

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