
Wow it's been a scorcher today! 23 degrees. Such a difference from last week and we've made the most of it. A lovely little treat from Mother Nature for the last day of half term.

We went to the park this morning for an hour before heading over to the doctors. P has been complaining about ear ache. The nurse has said she has a build up of ear wax that is probably causing some discomfort but nothing serious. We got some ice creams for the walk home. It's always a challenge to get A to eat his before it melts!

After lunch we got the paddling pool out. The kiddies loved it and I enjoyed sitting in the sun, soaking up the rays. A has discovered that sitting on the side of the pool and then falling in the water is very fun!

We popped over to tescos just before tea to pick up my new Fitbit. Aiming for 10,000 steps a day and hopefully getting a bit fitter (and a little less wobbly around the edges) in the future!

I've had such a fantastic week off with my babes. We've had fun days out and fun days in. We've discovered some new places and rediscovered some old favourites. Roll on the summer holidays.

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