Monday, Bloody Monday

After an unfortunate incident with a knife (cutting a lime to get some vitamin c into my system!) and a nose bleed this afternoon, I have spilled my fair share of blood for a Monday!
Think the snottiness has made me clumsy! Dragged myself out of bed this morning and travelled by bus to my university session. I'm glad I did as it was most useful and I got loads done.
Home via bus where I spent the majority of the time sneezing! The poor lady sat next to me probably wished she had made a different choice.
Home to complete some more work before the calamitous behaviour, which also included dropping a heavy pan in the washing up bowl which in turn preceded to create a mini, working model of Niagra Falls! Many swears left my mouth!
Cooked an extra hot chili (of which I spilled on myself) for tea in an attempt to clear the head. So far it has, annoyingly, been unsuccessful.

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