My contribution to the Mono Monday. Many thanks to RedFlash for hosting!
A beautiful sunny day. After little things done in the garden I suggested to Piet Hein to go for our walk in the morning, because there could fall some rain in the afternoon. Splendid idea, of course.
So we drove to the Diemel and started our walk on the path that goes along the river.
There is a rapid at one point, one hears it from far, and the pictures that I can take there are always different. Like today too.
I took many and found this one the most inspiring.
We came back a bit late for lunch, but had after that we had a peaceful afternoon. Not one drup of rain, but weather nowadays is rather unpredictable.

My haiku:

The changing figures
In the stream I look intently
For some meaning there

And the proverb:

I know your meaning by your mumping (gaping).

(mumping = grimacing)

1639  Clarke  64.

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