Yay for a bed in the hot stairwell of our barn!

She really dislikes air conditioning and this old house needs it, so she suffers! This time of year, Raspberry retreats to her summer camp in our attached barn. She has a camp bed on the stairwell landing heading up to the loft.

I had my yearly physical today with great marks from my doctor. My stiff neck is better, but still nagging if I turn my head to the far left. So, I'm going easy on my wedding photo editing. The photos are just for us and the family, so there is no rush.  
For the Record,
This day came in with sun and warm temperatures. A very nice day, but
when the wind blows the air is just a swirling mass of floating, flying all encompassing pine pollen. You can actually see it distinctly in the air. That's what's making us all a bit tired and coughing and spluttering.

All hands healing

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