The best thing I own

That blue 'towel'.

Not so much a towel as a non drip cooling device.

Invaluable - hot flashes and night sweats are bad.  Worse because of the heat today as well.

Also proved to be entertaining when "Aunty Sarah" used it as a device in a game of video call peek-a-boo with the twins, my bro and Faye this evening.  Best video call so far - boys chatty, telling me about going to phonics classes, about their favourite fruits (who knew that apples could be such a topic of conversation?), about the garden, about the planets ("Neptune is too cold Aunty Sarah") and also sharing with me the fact that I have been nicknamed "Sat-Nav Sarah" - I have no idea why either!!!

I confess that being told "I miss you Aunty Sarah" was almost a tear-jerker moment.  However, peek-a-boo and face pulling soon moved us out of the danger zone.

James has a big day for exams tomorrow - 2 hour History exam in the morning, 2hr15min media exam in the afternoon.

I am at the cardiologist tomorrow.  Lets see what that brings.

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